Based on its impressive proven experience of technologies related to transactional solutions and its recognised expertise in project management, Flowbird was awarded the contract by Alstom-Transport to provide the whole automatic fare collection system.
Two contactless ticketing platforms were developed to enable passengers to travel all over the CITURA Bus-Tram network: one for occasional travellers and the other – the ‘GRAND R’ smartcard – for regular users.
The ticket is rechargeable and sold on buses, tramways and at the 46 ASTREO vending machines installed in stations and accessible 24/7. Millions of passenger journeys are made on the network every year.
Both single tickets and ‘GRAND R’ subscriptions can be recharged.
To extend the distribution network to a wider audience, 115 Point of Sale Terminals (POS) have been placed in public offices, at authorised depositories or resellers.
The punctuality of the service is ensured by a smooth and fast boarding process through contactless validation of tickets using the 518 AXIO on-board validators. Control agents use Flowbird’s portable equipment to inspect tickets during journeys.
To help reduce traffic congestion, Park-and-ride facilities are offered on the basis of combined parking and transport tickets.
AXIO validators drive exit barriers once a transport ticket used during the day is presented.
Finally, as a real mobilily manager, Flowbird’s TransFolio platform guarantees the continuity of all the services.
lt includes a set of applications to manage fares and the CITURA network and ‘GRAND R’ smartcards over their full life cycle, to control all the front-end distribution, and validation equipment, and to process banking transactions through the ArchiPEL clearing system, including direct debits.
Revenue and usage statistics are reconciled to better understand and improve the CITURA multi-modal network operation while optimising cost to manage and maintain the system in operational conditions.