
On-street parking

Ease the pressure with smarter on-street parking

Maximise curb space and ease congestion with our intelligent on-street parking solutions. Our integrated system includes parking terminals, our mobile parking app, digital permits, EV park and charge and our comprehensive management platform. 

On street ParKing

A complete parking ecosystem

Connect all on-street parking sales channels to one platform

Effective on-street parking management reduces congestion and air pollution and makes cities more desirable places to live and work in.

Flowbird HUB enables a data-led approach to on-street parking and EV management, driving operational efficiency and better user experiences.

Terminals and mobile app

Transform the experience of people visiting city centres by making it easy to find and pay for parking. Combine user-friendly parking terminals, simple mobile and contactless payments and real-time information to make on-street parking effortless.

EV charging

Increase the availability and use rate of EV park and charge infrastructure. Our integrated Park&Charge solution eradicates pain points of EV drivers – broken charge points, queuing and payment failures. It combines well-maintained charge points, a user-friendly mobile app and easy contactless and mobile payments.

Digital permits

Maximise value for drivers by defining unlimited digital parking permit types. Permits can be time based – weekly, monthly, annual – or linked to the driver’s profile. Reduced rates can be given to local business owners and residents.

Smart delivery zones

Manage the demand for curb space in real-time to allow all mobility modes to co-exist comfortably. Smart Delivery Zones are an intelligent way to give priority access to commercial delivery drivers according to a set of configurable rules.